The Prosecutor's Office serves as a countywide criminal investigative agency, along with conducting all criminal court activities for the county.
Gloucester County is located in the southwest portion of New Jersey, along the Delaware River, just south of the City of Philadelphia.
The county borders both the States of Delaware and Pennsylvania and covers an area of 330 square miles. The population of the county is approximately 240,000 and there are 24 municipalities within the jurisdiction of the Prosecutor's Office.

Our Mission
The Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office is dedicated towards providing our citizens with the most skilled and professional investigation and prosecution of criminal offenders by using all available resources. It is our goal to enforce the laws without prejudice in a timely manner, while treating the victims of crime with the respect and compassion they deserve. The members of this Office will work in partnership with the law enforcement community and citizens of Gloucester County to promote a safe environment in all municipalities.
The Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office, as the chief law enforcement agency in Gloucester County, provides leadership and supervision over the chiefs of police and municipal prosecutors with a view to ensure the effective, efficient and uniform enforcement of throughout Gloucester County.
Our Core Values
The Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office's mission can best be achieved through the commitment of the Gloucester County Prosecutor and his staff to the ideals of:
• Cooperation with law enforcement
• Crime reduction
• Fairness
• Integrity
• Justice
• Prompt and courteous attention to the needs of the public we serve criminal laws and the administration of criminal justice throughout Gloucester County.
County Prosecutor
Christine Hoffman
Contact Info
Phone: 856-384-5500
70 Hunter Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Chief of County
Detective Thomas Gilbert
Contact Info
Phone:856-384-5500, ext. 5530
70 Hunter Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Investigative Units
The Administrative Unit of the Gloucester County Prosecutors Office supervises and oversees the daily operation of the Investigative Unit as well as provides supervision and oversight to the Gloucester County Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team and Gloucester County Emergency Response Team.
The Arson and Explosion Investigation Unit is primarily responsible for assisting in the investigation of all arson fires, suspicious fires, explosions and the manufacturing of explosives.
The role of the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office Counter-Terrorism Unit is to coordinate Gloucester County's efforts with the goals of identifying, deterring, detecting terrorist-related activities, and to investigate acts of threats to any school, workplace or houses of worship, consistent with the New Jersey Domestic Security Preparedness Act.
The Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office established the Crash Investigation Unit to combat the increasing amount of serious and fatal motor vehicle accidents that were occurring on the county's roadways.
The Crime Scene Investigation Unit provides various crime scene processing services to federal, state and County law enforcement agencies, as well as all 20 municipal police departments within the County of Gloucester.
The Gloucester County Emergency Response Team is a multi-jurisdictional team comprised of law enforcement officers from local and County police agencies within Gloucester County, which provides support to local law enforcement during the performance of diverse police functions, such as searches, search and rescue operations, crowd control, and perimeter security.
The Fugitive Investigations Unit is primarily responsible for the execution of all warrants issued by the Superior Court of Gloucester County, with the exception of Violation of Probation warrants which are executed by the Sheriff's Office.
Learn more about the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) and Gangs, Guns and Narcotics Task Forces.
The High Tech Crimes Unit is comprised of both law enforcement and legal personnel. The members of this Unit conduct proactive and reactive investigations in which computers, digital equipment, or other advanced technology is used to facilitate a criminal act or are the objects of the attack.
The goal of the Insurance Fraud Unit is to identify, investigate and prosecute violations of New Jersey's criminal statutes as they pertain to insurance fraud.
The Major Crimes Unit investigates, either solely or in cooperation with officers from municipal police departments, any criminal allegation of a serious nature other than narcotics investigations and child physical/sexual abuse cases.
The mission of the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit is to coordinate a multi-disciplinary team approach to allegations of interpersonal violence to include physical and sexual assault of both adults and children, domestic violence and human trafficking.
The Gloucester County Special Weapons and Tactics Team is a multi-jurisdictional team comprised of law enforcement officers from local and County police agencies within Gloucester County.
The Technical Services Unit provides technical support to both the Prosecutor's Office Investigative Division and any requesting outside law enforcement agency. The unit installs, operates and maintains standard and covert video and audio electronic surveillance equipment, as well as managing the National Crime Information Computer System.
The mission of the Professional Standards Unit, is the review and investigation of complaints alleging police misconduct, to include Excessive Use of Force and Disparate Treatment. Members conduct reviews of administrative investigations and internal affairs functions of local police agencies within the county to ensure compliance with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Internal Affairs Policy and Procedures. The Unit also conducts investigations as directed by the Gloucester County Prosecutor to include sensitive investigations involving members of law enforcement and elected officials. Members of the Professional Standards Unit also administer random drug testing for sworn law enforcement officers and monitor the Early Warning System for all sworn law enforcement officers within the county.